Principal's Message

Change is not only the Law of Nature but is a must in present scenario to keep us abreast with the transformation that is taking place at such a fast pace. As a dynamic and progressive educational institution, we provide a collaborative, cooperative and supportive environment to foster innovation as well as support teaching practices which are not only stimulating and conducive to learning. We also ensure that our students grow up into autonomous individuals and lifelong learners with deep-rooted value system.

We believe that education is not only the feeding of facts into the mind but also the awakening of curiosity in the soul and that is why our soul endeavour is to train the minds to put their thinking caps.

The real aim of education is to draw out the capacities in a child, which are waiting to be developed. We have concern for each and every student. We do not feel satisfied with the high achievements of only a few but we aim at the high achievement of maximum students and good learning. They are taught to have the intelligence to see that the real issue on hand for them as students, is to conserve their energy, study well, build up physical and mental strength, fully equipped for the struggle for existence.

J&A Inyternational School is a forerunner of the belief that education is for life and envisage an education policy which is not only qualitative and futuristic but has global acceptance too. We intend our children to move step-by-step with the changes and be on par with their contemporaries. Our legacy of strong cultural and moral values, the emphasis on core concepts, experiential learning, usage of edifying labs(Language lab, 3-D, Computer, Science and SST)is the key of our intellectual evolution.

Mrs. Shalini Fernandez
J & A International School Baheri Bareilly